2.3.3-rc.3 Component updates

Minor updates and bug fixes

16 Nov 2020

This releases 2.3.3-rc.3 to the CDN

[`https://assets.emblstatic.net/vf/v2.3.3-rc.3/scripts/scripts.js`](https://assets.emblstatic.net/vf/v2.3.3-rc.3/scripts/scripts.js) As a reminder, the rollup CSS and JS are compilations of many independently versioned components and is likely to contain changes that may disrupt the look of your site. We advise testing. Even better is to build your own CSS rollup from the npm sources, [you can find a guide here](/building).

This minor update brings bug fixes, JS linting, dependency updates and a few minor features. ## Minor features ### [vf-analytics-google](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-analytics-google/) 1.0.2 npm git diff * Improves link name detection * `data-vf-analytics-label` supersedes any derived value calculation * image alt text support * Bug: Issue when tracking image interactions * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/887 ## Bug fixes ### [vf-intro](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-intro/) 1.4.2 npm git diff * bug: don't apply styling to `a` elements that have a `.vf-*` class ### [vf-banner](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-banner/) 1.6.3 npm git diff * Bug: For fixed banners, avoid interpreting numbers as strings and blowing out the page padding ### [vf-show-more](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-show-more/) 1.0.1 npm git diff * Bug: Warning message for "pagerSize" was showing in all scenarios ## JS linting ### [embl-breadcrumbs-lookup](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/embl-breadcrumbs-lookup/) 1.0.1 npm git diff ### [embl-conditional-edit](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/embl-conditional-edit/) 1.0.3 npm git diff ### [embl-content-hub-loader](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/embl-content-hub-loader/) 1.0.7 npm git diff ### [embl-notifications](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/embl-notifications/) 1.0.1 npm git diff ### [vf-analytics-google](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-analytics-google/) 1.0.1 npm git diff ### [vf-banner](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-banner/) 1.6.2 npm git diff ### [vf-location-nearest](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-location-nearest/) 1.0.0 npm git diff ### [vf-search-client-side](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-search-client-side/) 1.0.0 npm git diff ### [vf-show-more](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-show-more/) 1.0.0 npm git diff ### [vf-tabs](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-tabs/) 1.1.2 npm git diff ### [vf-tree](https://latest.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-tree/) 1.0.1 npm git diff

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