2.3.0 Component updates

Revamped spacing methods, imrpoved analytics tracking, JS linting and many fixes and tweaks.

20 Oct 2020

This releases 2.3.0 to the CDN

[`https://assets.emblstatic.net/vf/v2.3.0/scripts/scripts.js`](https://assets.emblstatic.net/vf/v2.3.0/scripts/scripts.js) As a reminder, the rollup CSS and JS are compilations of many independently versioned components and is likely to contain changes that may disrupt the look of your site. We advise testing. Even better is to build your own CSS rollup from the npm sources, [you can find a guide here](/building).
## Components with breaking changes ### [vf-design-tokens](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-design-tokens/) 2.0.0 git diff This release updates all spacing variables to use numbers for sizing. [You can learn more about change in this post](/updates/2020-10-20-a-better-space). The following components have also been updated and now require `vf-design-tokens` 2.0.0. - [vf-banner](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-banner/) 1.6.0 - [vf-box](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-box/) 2.1.0 - [vf-button](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-button/) 1.2.0 - [vf-code-example](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-code-example/) 1.1.0 - [vf-content](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-content/) 1.3.0 - [vf-details](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-details/) 1.1.0 - [vf-form__fieldset](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-form__fieldset/) 1.1.0 - [vf-form__label](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-form__label/) 1.2.0 - [vf-form__legend](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-form__legend/) 1.1.0 - [vf-link-list](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-link-list/) 1.2.0 - [vf-logo](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-logo/) 1.4.0 - [vf-masthead](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-masthead/) 1.2.0 - [vf-page-header](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-page-header/) 1.1.0 - [vf-sass-config](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-sass-config/) 2.1.0 - [vf-section-header](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-section-header/) 1.3.0 ### [vf-utility-classes](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-utility-classes/) 2.0.0 git diff - all utility classes that make use of spacing tokens now use numerical naming. - updates documentation pages, as needed. - requires `v2.0.0` of the `vf-design-tokens` package or newer. ### [vf-divider](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-divider/) 2.0.0 git diff - removes the `grid-column: 1 / -1;` rule - moves the margin into the `@mixin` available in `vf-sass-config`. - adds `--vf-divider--margin-block-end` custom property to allow the overriding the block end margin as needed. ### [vf-sass-config](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-sass-config/) 2.0.0 git diff - removes the inline margin from the component. - adds the block end margin an creates a Sass variable for `$margin--block-end`. - adds `width: 100%;` as it was defaulting to `width: auto;`. ## New components ### [vf-cluster](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-cluster/) 0.0.1 git diff - Initital launch of the component. It is useable but the documentation needs refining. ## Major new features ### [vf-stack](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-stack/) 1.2.0 git diff - now uses Nunjucks 'blocks' so we can use this layout more programatically. - hides the defauly Nunjcuks file as it renders what looks like a blank page (because it's waiting for the block content). - creates separate Nunjucks files to display variants in Fractal. - updates naming conventions of variables available. - introduces `stack__spacing__custom` which will replace `custom_spacing_property` in the `2.0.0` component release. ### [vf-analytics-google](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-analytics-google/) 1.0.0-rc.6 git diff * Track form element interactions * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1161 * Explicit labels can be provided with data attributes: `data-vf-analytics-label="A special label"` * Code linting * Avoid logging clicks on non-interactive elements (white space, standard text) * Reduce likelihood of logging multiple events * `vfGaIndicateLoaded()` now accepts the options object `vfGaTrackOptions` * with property `vfGaTrackPageLoad`. `vfGaTrackOptions.vfGaTrackPageLoad` defaults to true. If you set to false, the function will _not_ track the initial page view. Useful if you track the initial page view with JavaScript in your HTML. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1116 * Track the users network: `vfGaTrackOptions.vfGaTrackNetwork`. As of February 2020 Google Analytics no longer tracks the network name of visitors. A 3rd party tool enables this, follow the setup guide at https://ipmeta.io/instructions (note there is no need to load https://ipmeta.io/plugin.js, this component includes it for you) * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/968 * `analyticsTrackInteraction()` is now namespaced ### [vf-core](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-core/) 2.2.7 git diff - adds ESLint task and config - https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1143 - adds `buildTimeStamp` to `componentInfo` component sass map - https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/974 ### [vf-hero](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-hero/) 1.7.0 git diff - makes the padding on `--intense` standardised to our spacing units - reduces height of all other variants - currently this is the 'maximum space' the component will get to allow it's content to be readable. ## Bug fixes ### [vf-component-initialization](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-component-initialization/) 1.0.1 git diff * Pin dependencies to avoid issue with Fractal bootstrap * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1170 ### [vf-banner](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-banner/) 1.5.1 git diff - removes leftover `console.log` ## Minor updates ### [vf-grid](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-grid/) 1.3.0 git diff - makes the layout something that can now use 'extends' within nunjucks ### [embl-grid](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/embl-grid/) 2.1.0 git diff - makes the layout something that can now use 'extends' within nunjucks ### [vf-sass-compilation](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-sass-compilation/) 1.0.2 git diff - adds ESLint task and config - https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1143 ### [vf-componenet-rollup](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-componenet-rollup/) 1.2.1 git diff * adds `buildTimeStamp` from `componentInfo` to Sass template * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/974 ### [vf-componenet-generator](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-componenet-generator/) 1.0.3 git diff * adds `buildTimeStamp` from `componentInfo` to Sass template * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/974 ### [vf-u-fullbleed](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-u-fullbleed/) 1.2.0 git diff - adds a CSS custom property for when a component with `vf-u-fullbleed` needs inline margins.

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