Here on this blog you can now expect to find what's new in each release of components.
We've also revised our publishing procedure to more frequently ship tagged releases the CDN (a la:
). And we plan to better document how to find the latest tagged release, and when you should build your own CSS and JS from source.
Ways to stay updated
- Join the VF Slack group
- Use a CI tool like Dependabot to get automatic pull requests
- Follow the RSS feed
How we're (partly) automating blog updates
We're using git to echo all the changes between the last releases with this git command:
git show -U --raw $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags $(git rev-list --tags --skip=1 --max-count=1))..$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) --raw --output=tools/vf-component-library/src/site/updates/$(date +%F) -- **/
It dumps the changes into a time-stamped Markdown file which our Eleventy-based component library turns into a blog post.
We run this as an aliased command: yarn run releasenotes
The file then needs some manual massaging which we plan to further automate in the future:
- Insert templated frontmatter
- Rewrite the git output and link accorignly, in this format:
### [vf-summary]( 1.3.1
commit [999f4cf9671afab790735150dd21c2040c3968b3](
- adds 'grid-template-areas' CSS for `--has-image` variant so you can use it with a `-thumbnail` class.
Another useful command
This command would output all changes since the most recent tag:
git show -U --raw $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 @^)..@ --raw --output=tools/vf-component-library/src/site/updates/$(date +%F).md -- **/