Component updates

Minor component updates and bug fixes.

10 Sep 2020

### [vf-summary]( 1.3.1 commit [999f4cf9671afab790735150dd21c2040c3968b3]( ```bash - adds 'grid-template-areas' CSS for `--has-image` variant so you can use it with a `-thumbnail` class. ``` ### [embl-grid]( 2.0.2 commit [797068ad8d3f0232e9b9cf85c5cfca7f2ef3405f]( ```bash - changes breakpoint for sidebar to be a sidebar from 1024px - makes the sidebar smaller until it hits 1300px ``` ### [vf-sass-config]( 1.4.1 commit [59d9a30f76b0effe7e649e3f578c4df4a939072a]( ```bash - updates the `$global-page-max-width` variable so that it's consistent with the page width across components - set to `81.25rem`. ``` ### Dependency bumps commit [3447c6e18ea7ea7fd638ad4ccd5b30e0cc9fc874]( - [vf-content]( 2.0.3 - [vf-sass-config]( 1.4.2 - [vf-sass-starter]( 0.1.7 - [vf-vf-stack]( 1.1.1

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